How does the influence of a mother’s odor change across the infant’s first year?
This project aims to investigate the influence of maternal odor on the perception of faces and emotions in babies. We use EEG (electroencephalography) and eye tracking (eye movement measurement) to record how your baby reacts to different faces and what role the maternal odor plays in this.

We are looking for families with babies aged 4 months for the first session. The appointment lasts about 90 minutes and takes place on our premises on the campus of the University of Lübeck (CBBM building). During the appointment, your baby will lie safely and comfortably in a baby seat and look at faces on a screen, with plenty of breaks and opportunities to play. Two more appointments will follow when your baby is 7 and 11 months old. This allows us to better understand the development of perception over time.
If you are interested, please get in touch via our contact form. We will then call you back to discuss all further details!
How do children perceive action?
In this study, we use EEG (electroencephalography) to investigate how children between the ages of 4 and 6 perceive complex, family-related actions. This includes actions such as preparing an apple spritzer. In this action, it is necessary to mix water and juice, whereby the water bottle must first be opened before the water can be poured into the glass. This illustrates that the individual action steps are based on a relationship of dependency. In the study, we show videos of action sequences that are presented either in the correct chronological order or in the wrong order. In doing so, we want to investigate how children react to the presentation of the incorrect action sequence compared to the action sequences that are performed in the correct order.

The aim of the study is to investigate the processing of complex structures in action perception in early childhood development. We are still looking for families with children between the ages of 4 and 6 who would like to join us in the laboratory on the campus of the University of Lübeck.
The appointment lasts about 1 hour and we measure EEG while your child sits in front of a computer screen on which the videos of the action sequences are shown. The parents are in the room the entire time and usually sit about one meter behind your child.
If you are interested, please get in touch via our contact form and we will call you back!
Previous studies
How do babies perceive faces? (Completed)
In this study, we want to further investigate how babies perceive faces, which facial features play a role and what happens in the baby’s brain during this process. We are still looking for families with babies aged 7 months who would like to come to our laboratory on the campus of the University of Lübeck for an EEG study. The appointment lasts about 1 hour and we measure EEG while the babies sit on their parents’ laps and look at faces on the computer.