Renate-Maaß research award 2018

We’re extremely excited to announce that Sarah just won the Renate-Maaß research award for her work on social development in infancy at the University of Lübeck! Huge thanks to the university and the Renate-Maaß-foundation, and importantly to all the families who participate in our studies and make our work possible.

More infos here (unfortunately only in German):

What is the role of different spatial frequencies in emotion processing in infancy?

In our newest study, we investigated how high spatial frequencies (so very fine details in a picture) compared to low spatial frequencies (so rather broad shapes) contribute to emotion processing in infancy:

Jessen, S. & Grossmann, T. (in press). Exploring the role of spatial frequency information during neural emotion processing in human infants. Front. Hum. Neurosci.