Since the beginning of the year, the Babylab has officially been part of the newly founded (or rather: re-established) Institute of Medical Psychology. On June 26, the opening ceremony of the institute, which is headed by Sarah Jessen from the Babylab, Ulrike Krämer ( and Daniel Scholz from the Lübeck University of Music, took place. After a short welcome address by the acting President of the University of Lübeck, Prof. Dr. Gillessen-Kaesbach, Prof. Beate Ditzen from Heidelberg gave an exciting lecture on the development of attachment in different phases of life. The evening ended with a small reception, a great opportunity to talk to many colleagues from different areas of the university. All in all, it was a great evening and the Babylab is looking forward to many more exciting projects in the institute.
Everything about our institute can be found here (soon also in English):
… and a report about the opening ceremony here (unfortunately only in German):