Renate-Maaß research award 2018
We’re extremely excited to announce that Sarah just won the Renate-Maaß research award for her work on social development in infancy at the University of Lübeck! Huge thanks to the university and the Renate-Maaß-foundation, and importantly to all the families who participate in our studies and make our work possible. More infos here (unfortunately only…
Bernadette joins the lab as a PhD student
Bernadette Hippmann joined the lab as a PhD student in November. A warm welcome to her and very much looking forward to working together!
What is the role of different spatial frequencies in emotion processing in infancy?
In our newest study, we investigated how high spatial frequencies (so very fine details in a picture) compared to low spatial frequencies (so rather broad shapes) contribute to emotion processing in infancy: Jessen, S. & Grossmann, T. (in press). Exploring the role of spatial frequency information during neural emotion processing in human infants. Front. Hum.…
New DFG Funding
We are very excited to receive new funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG), which will allow us to continue our project investigating the impact of maternal odor on socioemotional processing in infancy for another 2 years!
New study on the subliminal processing of facial trustworthiness
Our new study investigating the unconscious processing of facial trustworthiness in 7-month-olds is out! Jessen, S. & Grossmann, T. (in press). Neural evidence for the subliminal processing of facial trustworthiness in infancy. Neuropsychologia.